Sunday, July 03, 2005


Wut a SuNdAy.... ;)

I woke up late coz I watched LIVE8 on9 :) (not knowing dat my dad had gone 2 sleep, which means I can watched it from TV!!!!!)

I read d Crime Library too.... Scary.....Especially on d young killers...

I bring out my old LASY sets. It's like LEGO but bigger version... My dad got it 4 me when I was 6 yrs old n it cost him RM200++++, which is damn xpensive during dat time... I like it a lot!!! I actually manage 2 keep everything n didn't lose any of it :D :D :D

So, I give it 2 my nephew Hakim 2 play wif. I forced him 2 promised me not 2 lose any of it!!!! I keep for 15 yrs!!!!! Of course I like it a lot!!! :P :P :P
He like it 2 though... ;)

I played wif him all evening..... :)

Now I gotta continue reading Crime Library :)

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