Yeah... I'm a true Gemini gurl... :) Everything dat it says really represent myself. I guess it's juz a coincidence huh? Coz I'm a Muslim, I'm not suppose 2 believe dis kinda thing. Neway, I juz read my forecast 4 d day.
You've always been voted chattiest, friendliest and most outgoing of all the signs out there. You've never been afraid to say exactly what's on your mind, and you're quite good at saying it in most entertaining fashion. What's in your heart is another matter -- and that's what friends are there for. You need trusted company to talk to. Even though you'll be more than happy to express your feelings to just about anyone for the next couple of days, what you're really after is a confidante -- not a round of applause.
C.... Voted as d chattiest, friendliest and most outgoing of all signs :) I guess I'm like dat. I juz can't stop talking 2 ppl eventho I juz knew them. N I'm never afraid 2 say wuts on my mind. But I do need trusted ppl 2 talk 2, which I found it in my gurLz.
Daily Singles:
If you want to get something started, there's no time like the present -- any little arrows of love you aim are sure to find their mark. If you don't have any immediately exciting prospects, get online and shop around!
Yeah.... I dun haf any immediate prospects or aim. Dats y I keep on on9 and shopping around (eventho I'm officially broke!)
Monthly Love:
If you have any odd dreams in the early hours of the 1st, make an extra effort to write them down when you wake up. If you don't remember any dreams, take a few moments before you roll out of bed to let your mind wander -- you could discover something interesting about what you really want from a potential romantic partner. On the 5th, 6th and 7th, you may notice that this early-in-the-month insight into your subconscious leads to some very direct flirting. But would you flirt with just anybody? No way -- the new you, the one who knows exactly what they want, flirts with the best potential partner. Yep, you're using all your charms on the future Mr. or Ms. Right. On the 13th, your new energy-efficient flirting skills impress even you. Then, on the 18th and 19th, you head into totally new romantic territory. On the 23rd, make sure people in your vicinity (especially your 'maybe baby') don't have something up their sleeves. Get some 'love, etc.' advice from your friends on the 29th.
Am I a good flirt huh? :P :P :P I dunno... hahahahaha.... Mayb... :P I hope my skills will improve each day ;) *dancing around*. But I dun think I'll head 2 any new romantic territory. Shud I get any advice from my frenz? My sis is d best place 2 get LoVe advice tho. Coz most of d time, me n my gurLz, we discuss about LoVe, advising each other. So, I'm not sure who's d pro :P
Owh well...... Am I d only person in dis houz who r awake? Hehehehehhehee.... GurLz!!!!!! Wake up!!!!!! :P :P :P
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