Tuesday, September 20, 2005

i DuN kNoE wHeN....

I dun knoe when I'm gonna update my blog.

Coz I'm going 2moro, n haf no idea when my broadband over there will b on.

I knoe I'll misz blogging in here. I'll b back ppl... I'll b back once I get my broadband ;)

Wish me luck on my new journey!!!! :D :D :D


Straight2dapoint said...

Fairy, Gd Luck and always remember that we always on ur side... hope u are okay there and wish u luck there in dublin... (^_^)

Anonymous said...

Hello dear ! I'm french, my name is Adrian and I 've choosen you as my favorite future Irish person. I'd be really keen on chating with you so if you accept here is my adress :

Bye et "gros bisous" !