Sunday, March 28, 2010

back back back! :)

I'm back! Oh yeah... I'm back after the controversial post on 25th Feb! The girl actually apologise by sending an FB msg, and she deleted the post that she copied from me. But the damage has been done. Just hope she'll learn from her mistakes. But deleting me from your friends' list??? I think I'm the one who should delete you. But it's a childish thing to do, and I don't mind not having you in my list.

It's been a month since my last post. I rarely online except checking my e-mails and FB. I've been busy working! Yes! Working! ehhehehee... I love the new job, the new company, new people, new environment, everything! I just love having a job, things to do everyday. After being unemployed for a good 9 months, I'm proud to announce that I'm a happy working girl :)

And I want to apologise to all my friends cause I've been quiet lately. Especially to Gee and Suria because we haven't chat in a while and there are lots of things to share!!! I'll try my best to online with you girls as much as I can. I can't wait for both of you to come back home.

Oh yeah... My love life is great! :)
