Monday, December 10, 2007

Last weekend.... I..

Last weekend I was in Ennis. I was hoping that the weather will be nice. At least I can take a walk by the river, while eating my fav Subway, or have pasta at the Vegetarian Italian restaurant happily alone. (Coz he was working the whole weekend!)

But it rained non-stop since I arrived in Ennis. So I'm stuck in his room with my PSP and Ipod (thanks to my stick-notes, I remember to bring my baby gadgets!). Nothing much to do other than play games, watch movie and lots and lots of sleep!!!! XD

And I bought a gift for the Secret Santa thingy. I'm going to wrap it tonight. Hope he likes it! :) I've been wondering what I'll get from my Secret Santa. Huhuhuuuu....

The Christmas party is this Friday! Everyone in the office is so excited about it. And next week, half of them will be going home to celebrate Christmas with their family.

And I'm off to London again this Christmas for Boxing Day!!!!! XD More and more shopping!!! I loooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvveeeeeee shopping!!!!

Gotta go now. Work! Work! Work!


mynameislina said...


(this is what I wrote in my blog...but I just copy paste it here hahahhahahha pemalas)

Hey....good for you but where did you bought it from...did you bought it online or in some store in Dublin?
I want to get it online because I don't know if there's shop selling it here...

Spill the beans please...:)

Owhhh when is the boxing day like on the 26th ker?

fairy said...

hehhehee... Go to Urban Outfitters in Temple Bar area. They haf Action Sampler, Fisheye, Automat, Holga, Super Sampler n Pop 9. Dats it! XD

I wanna get my hands on Diana as well! Need to get it on9 I guess. Teheheheee....

N yup! London boxing day is on the 26th! Lets go shopping in London!!!! weeee....... ;)

mynameislina said...

Should check in Dundrum first...there is a Urban Outfitters there....hehehehhehe...

Hopefully they have the Fisheye 2 and Diana...coz both are new in the market....